Gruesome Playground Injuries / 2016

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“Like the mast of a ship lost at sea, maybe I'll see the shine of you, bringing me home again.”

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“Accidents happen, and no one knows that better than Doug and Kayleen. Over the course of three decades, grievous injuries - both physical and metaphorical - always seem to bring them together; to heal, or at least share the pain. Love hurts…but is it supposed to bleed this much?”

Cave Theatre Co.’s production of Rajiv Joseph’s Gruesome Playground Injuries was performed at UNDER St. Mark’s in the East Village in New York City, from April 7th - 17th, 2016. The production was directed by James Masciovecchio, and the cast featured Kiley Caughey (Kayleen), Alex Etling (Doug).

Alex Etling