
A.ETLING photography - 06.06.2018 - DSCF7630.jpg

We've partnered with Arts & Letters, a child-centered K-8 public school in Fort Greene, Brooklyn. We currently teach two after-school theatre classes.

For Kindergarten thru 1st Grade - Imagination 101: A Child's Intro to Theatre: A fun learning environment and creative outlet all rolled into one! Tailored for young, eager minds, the children will use their imaginations to explore a unique introduction to the theatre through engaging games and exercises. They will play, learn, and build relationships with one another and their newest friend - the theatre.

For Grades 5-8 - Intro to Acting: This class, geared for middle school aged students, will explore the rudiments of acting through scene study, monologues, and acting exercises aimed not only to improve acting capabilities but to foster both social and personal growth and confidence.

We're always looking to partner with new schools and organizations, so please don't hesitate to reach out!